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Visions of America: 
Photographing Democracy


Reader Comments

Hello, Joseph. My name is Vaughan Williams and I am a friend of Kate and David Bailey the English couple whom you met in September. They brought me back a copy of your magnificent 'Visions of America' in which you were gracious enough to write a personal dedication. I have been intending to contact you ever since, just to say 'thank you' and to congratulate you on producing such a wonderful piece of work.

I have had a love affair with America for many years, having visited thirty-five States and intending, hopefully, to complete the set before old-age sets in. Unsurprisingly, I have accumulated a substantial library of books on your fascinating country, but your superb tome is the 'piece de resistance' and I have shown it with great pride to many appreciative and admiring friends. It is on permanent display in my living room where I am doing my utmost to prevent coffee from being spilled on it ! I have printed off your incredibly impressive biography from the v.o.a. website and inserted it in the pages... (A) as a bookmark, and (B) to impress passing browsers!

Again, many thanks and all my very best wishes for 2010 and beyond.

Yours very sincerely, Vaughan Williams


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